Appreciation Day
On December 8 from 6:00-9:00 p.m., come on out to the makerspace to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished as a community! There’ll be free appetizers and drinks, music, thank-yous for members, and sponsor and volunteer recognition. RSVP at https://crucescreatives.org/event-3142288.
Day Passes and Gift Memberships Now Available
Cruces Creatives day passes and gift memberships are now available, just in time for the holidays! Know somebody who’d enjoy the tools and community at Cruces Creatives? You can now get them a gift membership, or day passes in packets of five ($100) or ten ($150). Gift memberships have all the benefits of regular membership; the day passes include full access to the makerspace and tools, as well as safety/use training, and they never expire. You can get day passes and gift memberships at the front desk during business hours.
Laser Cutter
Thanks to Visgence, Inc. (https://www.visgence.com/), Cruces Creatives now has a laser cutter! Work on calibration and ventilation is underway, and this exciting tool will soon be ready for training classes and community use!
Fundraiser Update and Giving Tuesday
As a community, we’ve now raised over $6,000 through the Home Stretch Fundraiser! This will make it possible to finish the kids’ room, install the ventilation system for the new laser cutter and other tools in the electronics room, and help cover operating expenses during the home stretch of the start-up period. We’re getting there! Coming up next: a woodshop ventilation system so that we can use all of the wonderful woodshop tools without having to move them outside. Help make it happen at http://www.crucescreatives.org/Contribute.
Also, on Giving Tuesday (November 27), you can double your contribution by contributing through Facebook!