Welcome to the February 20 issue of the Cruces Creatives weekly newsletter. This is a place where you can see a calendar of upcoming events, keep up-to-date with big news at the makerspace, and learn about cool projects that your community members make.
The newsletter is published each Thursday. If you have makerspace news or announcements that you’d like to submit for the weekly newsletter, please email Pat DeSimio (p.desimio@crucescreatives.org) by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
Registration Opens for Youth Maker Days
Make spring break a time for making! From March 24 to 27, K-12 students and their families can participate in over 35 classes on subjects ranging from armor making to book making to hot air balloons. Several of the classes are free thanks to support from the NM STEM Outreach Center! Registration is now open, and for more information or to sign up, you can visit the Cruces Creatives Event Calendar at www.crucescreatives.org/events and look for classes whose titles start with “YMD” (Youth Maker Days).

Free Model Rocketry Classes Starting at Cruces Creatives!
Starting this month, the Fellowship of Las Cruces Area Rocketry Enthusiasts (FLARE) will be offering four free model rocketry classes each year at Cruces Creatives! The first class is on Saturday, February 29, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. For more information or to register, visit http://www.crucescreatives.org/event-3759605.

Call for Plastics for the STEAM Team and Youth Maker Days
Do you have clean bottle caps, transparent plastic (colored is especially good), or translucent plastic? Think water bottle caps, milk jug lids, peanut butter jar lids, 2-liter soda bottles, baby shampoo bottles, etc. All of these materials would be helpful for the STEAM Team and Youth Maker Days! Donations are welcomed at the Cruces Creatives kids’ classroom during open hours.