Welcome to the February 28 issue of the Cruces Creatives weekly newsletter. This is a place where you can keep up-to-date with big news at the makerspace, and learn about cool projects that your community members make.
Precious Plastics Recycling Machines Under Construction!
With funding from the MESA Project, Cruces Creatives is building two Precious Plastics machines—an injection molder and a compression molder! Precious Plastics machines are open-source technologies that function like small-scale recycling and manufacturing centers, making it possible to recycle plastics like water bottles, milk jugs, etc., into almost anything: chair seats, art, replacement parts, toys, you name it. They’ll be mighty helpful tools at the makerspace, and they also offer a hands-on education in recycling!

Prototype Cloud-Connected Soil Temperature Sensors Operational and Out for Field Testing
Cruces Creatives has completed a full working prototype for open-source, cloud-connected soil temperature sensors that can help farmers and gardeners know when to plant different crops! The prototype is currently undergoing field testing, and the results will help refine and improve the next iteration of the design. Thanks to the Thornburg Foundation and the McCune Charitable Foundation for funding, and congratulations to Jon Simmons and John Miller for all of the hard work behind the designs!